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Friday, June 25, 2021

pratiyogita kiran english magazine

 pratiyogita kiran english magazine

pratiyogita kiran english magazine  Published this article  But when it comes to allocation of vaccine consignment the launch of Indias vaccine outreach initiative known as Vaccine Maitri (i.e. Vaccine Friendship) demonstrates Indias concern to bring down the curve of the pandemic as a powerful booster to economic recovery prospect. This benign altruism was made possible by reasoned stand and espoused philosophy of Bahujan Sukhaya Bahujan Hitaya. In this context the recognition is earned as Indian vaccines reflected her pool of scientific skill and professionalism. Besides India assumes a significant position in the global supply chain of the vaccine due to its time-tested production capabilities and being the worlds largest producer of vaccines. The significance of Indias vaccine diplomacy can also be understood if we take into account the nature of action of the developed countries which shows their propensity to reserve doses much beyond the need of their population. The situation of the developing countries on the contrary is messy because majority of people in the developing and poor countries could remain unprotected if they cannot afford to pay for the vaccine. Put in this perspective the nobility of Indias move stands upon her commitment to share her mastery in inventing the Sanjeevani with all fellow countries not only those situated in South Asia but also to different countries of the Middle East to Africa and beyond. It is undoubtedly a great achievement so far as the domain of our foreign policy and soft power are concerned. Needless to say that it would definitely leverage our prestige and facilitate our mobility to higher position of power. pratiyogita kiran english magazine

 pratiyogita kiran english magazine

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