competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Friday, June 11, 2021

competition wizard magazine free download

 competition wizard magazine free download

 competition wizard magazine free download Publish this articles page no  Under JJM all villages with water quality issues have been prioritised for potable tap water supply.· Provisions have been made to install community water purification plants to provide safe water.  Drinking water quality testing laboratories in various states/UTs have been opened to the· general public so that they can get their water samples tested at nominal charges. Atleast five persons in every village preferably women are trained to use Field Testing Kits FTKs for testing water quality at the village level. Special Focus on Children  Children are most susceptible to water-borne diseases and they spend a considerable amount of· time in their educational spaces such as schools Anganwadi centres etc.  Therefore making provision of potable tap water in these institutions has been taken up in a· campaign mode. On October 2 2020 a 100day-campaign was launched to ensure potable tap water supply in adequate quantity in these premises.  So far States like Andhra Pradesh Goa Haryana Himachal Pradesh Tamil Nadu and Telangana· have provided tap water supply to 100% of schools and Anganwadi centres. Making Water Everyones Business  Every village has to prepare a Village Action Plan co-terminus with 15thFinance Commission· period. The motto of Jal Jeevan Mission is Building Partnerships Changing Lives. competition wizard magazine free download


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