competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Friday, June 25, 2021

 competition success review pdf free download

competition success review pdf free download Published this article  The textbook economics aka positive economics starts with the premise that wants in general are insatiable and that the resources are limited. Gandhian system steeped in normative thinking1  starts with the idea of containment of wants because after all there is enough on this earth for everybodys needs but not enough for one mans greed. Greed breeds violence and gives rise to the need to exploit others which is against the first primal principle of Gandhian system non-violence. Squeezing wages and exploiting workers is also equivalent to violence. Unequal land holding is manifestation of greed which was sought to be corrected through Bhoodan movement by Gandhijis illustrious disciple Vinoba Bhave. Creating circumstances that force people to migrate because of poverty might amount to violence at a societal level. Gandhiji wanted to reverse this by making village communities stronger and selfsufficient. Empowering villages through a benevolent Jajmani system was his idea of nurturing the roots of India that lived mostly in villages. Well-being of rural India was of utmost importance to him and people who migrated after that had been achieved would be exercising their choice. competition success review pdf free download

pratiyogita kiran english magazine

 pratiyogita kiran english magazine

pratiyogita kiran english magazine  Published this article  But when it comes to allocation of vaccine consignment the launch of Indias vaccine outreach initiative known as Vaccine Maitri (i.e. Vaccine Friendship) demonstrates Indias concern to bring down the curve of the pandemic as a powerful booster to economic recovery prospect. This benign altruism was made possible by reasoned stand and espoused philosophy of Bahujan Sukhaya Bahujan Hitaya. In this context the recognition is earned as Indian vaccines reflected her pool of scientific skill and professionalism. Besides India assumes a significant position in the global supply chain of the vaccine due to its time-tested production capabilities and being the worlds largest producer of vaccines. The significance of Indias vaccine diplomacy can also be understood if we take into account the nature of action of the developed countries which shows their propensity to reserve doses much beyond the need of their population. The situation of the developing countries on the contrary is messy because majority of people in the developing and poor countries could remain unprotected if they cannot afford to pay for the vaccine. Put in this perspective the nobility of Indias move stands upon her commitment to share her mastery in inventing the Sanjeevani with all fellow countries not only those situated in South Asia but also to different countries of the Middle East to Africa and beyond. It is undoubtedly a great achievement so far as the domain of our foreign policy and soft power are concerned. Needless to say that it would definitely leverage our prestige and facilitate our mobility to higher position of power. pratiyogita kiran english magazine

 pratiyogita kiran english magazine

pratiyogita kiran price

 pratiyogita kiran price 

pratiyogita kiran price  Published this article  Indias Covid-19 vaccines are the cheapest in the world with two frontrunners Covishield developed by the Serum Institute of India and the Covaxin developed by the collaboration of ICMR and NIV with Bharat Biotech (Mondal 2021). A third vaccine Russias Sputnik V has been approved for emergency use in India by Drugs Controller General of India (DGCI). The local production of Sputnik V will begin in July 2021 and Hyderabad-based Dr Reddys Laboratories will manufacture the vaccine in India. India has supplied vaccines to nations including Bhutan Maldives Bangladesh Nepal Myanmar Mauritius Seychelles Sri Lanka the UAE Brazil Morocco Bahrain Oman Egypt Algeria Kuwait and South Africa. Supplies made under grant amount to 56 lakh doses and commercial supplies amounting to over 100 lakh doses. Indian vaccines have reached Afghanistan and also it is reaching the shores of CARICOM countries in the Caribbean Pacific Island States Nicaragua etc. Indias ubiquitous vaccine delivery programme to the rest of the world is situated within the framework of Vaccine Maitri which is quite synonymous with the SAGAR (Security and Growth for All in the Region) doctrine of India. The vaccine developed by the Oxford-Astra Zeneca has got the required WHO approval for usage in various countries and the Serum Institute of India has collaborated with the former as a global manufacturing partner (Mordani 2021). This gives legitimacy to Indias vaccine efforts further. pratiyogita kiran price

pratiyogita kiran price 

Thursday, June 17, 2021

pratiyogita kiran january 2021 pdf

 pratiyogita kiran january 2021 pdf

 pratiyogita kiran january 2021 pdf  Published this articles page no 152  India over the centuries has never had a dearth of great thinkers scientists engineers innovators philosophers and art ists. Indian intellectual capabilities are second to none. Our philosophy culture fine arts temples and sculptures over thousands of years also bear testimony to the same. Whenever Indians go abroad they excel. Many like Sundar Pichai Satya Nadella and other Indians are leaders in some of the largest and most innovative companies of the world like Google Microsoft  etc. Access to an innovative ecosystem in these developed countries has allowed them to realize their aspirations convert The author is the Mission Director of the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM). their dreams into reality and helped them flower and blossom to their true potential. With over 1.3 billion+ people 1.4 million+ schools 10500+ engineering related institutions 150+ million youth of India entering the work force we need to ensure that our youth can also realize their true potential through the creation of a vibrant ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship in this country. Towards this end a strategic national flagship initiative Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) has been set up under the auspices of the NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India). pratiyogita kiran january 2021 pdf


pratiyogita kiran january 2021 pdf

Bsc banking services chronicle

 Bsc banking services chronicle

bsc banking services chronicle  Published this articles page no 124 In more recent years progress in technological innovation has become more rapid. What is however important is to understand the risks and benefits associated with new technologies. As early as in 1962 Rachel Carson in her classic book titled Silent Spring pointed out that pesticides including DDT can result in longterm harm because of their long residual toxicity. This is why before taking the new technology to the field it is important that they are assessed for their positive as well as potentially negative effects. New innovations are essential to overcome new challenges like those arising from climate change. More anticipatory research will be needed to ensure that our farmers are able to increase production under conditions of rising temperature and frequent floods. bsc banking services chronicle


Bsc banking services chronicle

Banking service chronicle maths book

 Banking service chronicle maths book

banking service chronicle maths book  Published this articles page no 123  Ever since the publication of Mendels Laws of inheritance in 1865 many innovations have taken place in the effective use of genetic knowledge for improving productivity and profitability of crops. Among the innovations introduced by plant breeders mention may be made of induced mutation chromosome doubling through colchicines and genetic medication through the application of the new knowledge in molecular biology. Genetic modification has made it possible to transfer genes across sexual barriers. More recently gene editing technologies have become available which can help to achieve directed mutagenesis. Breeding helps to develop strains with a higher yield potential. However for achieving the higher yield we need interaction between technology and public policy. New scientific innovations farmer friendly economic policies and farmers own enthusiasm to take to new technologies is all important for achieving the desired goal of a quantum jump in production. banking service chronicle maths book


Banking service chronicle maths book

Banking services chronicle english book

 Banking services chronicle english book

 banking services chronicle english book  Published this articles page no 122 The support extended to farmers should be according to the requirements of those cultivating in above mentioned ecosystems. The reports of the NCF give a clear sense of direction to shaping the future of agriculture based on farmers welfare. The government of India has already changed on the recommendation of NCF the name of the agriculture ministry to Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. The progress made by our farmers in improving production and productivity is illustrated by the fact that wheat production in India has gone up from 7 million tonnes in 1947 to over 100 million tonnes in 2018. Such an impressive progress has been rendered possible due to interaction between technology and public policy. Technology has been mainly in the field of designing new plant architecture characterized by resistance to lodging and ability to transfer more of the photosynthesis to grain formation. banking services chronicle english book


Banking services chronicle english book

Friday, June 11, 2021

competition wizard magazine free download

 competition wizard magazine free download

 competition wizard magazine free download Publish this articles page no  Under JJM all villages with water quality issues have been prioritised for potable tap water supply.· Provisions have been made to install community water purification plants to provide safe water.  Drinking water quality testing laboratories in various states/UTs have been opened to the· general public so that they can get their water samples tested at nominal charges. Atleast five persons in every village preferably women are trained to use Field Testing Kits FTKs for testing water quality at the village level. Special Focus on Children  Children are most susceptible to water-borne diseases and they spend a considerable amount of· time in their educational spaces such as schools Anganwadi centres etc.  Therefore making provision of potable tap water in these institutions has been taken up in a· campaign mode. On October 2 2020 a 100day-campaign was launched to ensure potable tap water supply in adequate quantity in these premises.  So far States like Andhra Pradesh Goa Haryana Himachal Pradesh Tamil Nadu and Telangana· have provided tap water supply to 100% of schools and Anganwadi centres. Making Water Everyones Business  Every village has to prepare a Village Action Plan co-terminus with 15thFinance Commission· period. The motto of Jal Jeevan Mission is Building Partnerships Changing Lives. competition wizard magazine free download


competition wizard magazine free download