competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Monday, April 15, 2024

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle this article was published in the magazine  learning from best practices some states have devised innovative initiatives to strengthen the delivery of social services. those can be replicated in other areas as well. other best practices to learn how investing in social infrastructure can be beneficial initiative detail pota cabins chattisgarh it is an innovative educational initiative that has helped reduce the number of out-of-school children and improve enrolment and retention of children in left wing extremism affected villages of dantewada district. Banking service chronicle magazine the schools are built with impermanent materials like bamboo and plywood. dhara vikas sikkim it is an innovative programme to revive and maintain drying springs in sikkim. it is helping to alleviate the problem of rural water scarcity by reducing surface runoff of rainwater and allowing more water to percolate down to recharge underground aquifers which in turn ensures increased discharge from springs Banking service chronicle magazine subscription

Banking service chronicle

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine this article was published in the magazine  easy access to credit bring out an attractive loan product with minimum collateral administrative costs and lower interest rates which should be widely circulated among pmay-g beneficiaries in their vernacular language. awareness generation for optimum utilization of the awaas app among the rural populace there is an imperative need to educate people about the operation through imparting training programmes at panchayat levels and create help groups. shine india monthly magazine subscription effective convergence with other schemes removing the gaps and shortcomings by establishing close coordination with the concerned ministries and departments. ensuring timely release of funds from the centre and state government. conclusion reducing rural housing shortage and improving the quality of housing especially for the poor is important for poverty alleviation and inclusive development of the country. currently pmay-g only provides for the construction of new houses. government should explore the possibility of expanding the program to cover the repair or upgradation of existing houses. this could benefit for a greater number of households shine india monthly magazine telugu

shine india monthly magazine