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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine this article was published in the magazine  this can be achieved by increasing the efficiency of cooling technologies — air conditioners ceiling fans and chillers — which can save 30% energy by 2037-38. passive cooling strategies passive cooling strategies for buildings in cities can reduce energy usage by 20-30% by 2038. a drop in the temperature of a building by one degree celsius could lower peak electricity demand for cooling by two-four per cent. district cooling systems (dcs) dcs are centralized cooling techniques for clusters of buildings instead of individual buildings which is much more efficient. district cooling should be made mandatory for real estate complexes that are of high density. shine india monthly magazine telugu buy dcs generates chilled water in a central plant which can then be distributed to multiple buildings via underground insulated pipes. cold chain and refrigeration it is suggested to use concessional finance from multilateral development banks like the world bank for investments in strategies to plug the gaps in the cold chain distribution networks such investments can help reduce food loss by about 76% and decrease carbon emissions by 16% shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine