banking services chronicle magazine in hindi pdf

bankingservices chronicle magazine in hindi pdf Published In 2014 telangana was formed as 29th state of
india with hyderabad as its Capital. Earlier telangana was part of andhra state
as per the linguistic reorganisationOf states in 1956. Telangana state has 10
districts including Hyderabad adilabadkhammamkarimnagarmahbubnagarmedak
Nalgonda nizamabadrangareddy and warangal. History of telangana The name
telangana refers to the word trilingadesa earned due to the Presence of three
ancient shiva temples at kaleswaramsrisailam and Draksharamam. A more
historical reason is that during the reign of nizams the Region was known as
teluguangana to differentiate it from the areas where Marathi was spoken. The
region has been ruled by great dynasties such as
Sathavahanaskakatiyaschalukyasmughalsqutubshahisasafjahis. The Kakatiyas
contributions to architecture are considered very impressive. Among
Kakatiyasprataparudra was a great ruler who ruled till ad 1323. The Satavahanas
ruled telangana region for about 400 years right from the 2nd Century bc to
beyond the 2nd century ad
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